Friday 4 March 2011

Comments on first filming - 24th Feburary

We occured some problems on our first filming, the original female character Danielle could no longer participate in the video, therefore, we had to replace her with another person called yoda.
We first began our filming at Christiannas house as it showed the scenes between Adrain playing Neyo's character and Yoda. The problems we had to also overcome is that when we were filming the scene in the bedroom in Christianna's house. We had to get a downward tilt on Adrian and Yoda lying down in the bed. This was quite difficult as the tripod was not tall enough. Therefore, we had to get on a step ladder to get enough height to look down on them.
Also we had to prep Christianna's house and set the scene correctly as a home accomodating a young couple. Therefore had to remove pictures of Christianna and her family. We also had to refer back alot to our storyboard and our plan of the whole music video immensly. As we had to make sure they are wearing the correct clothes, timing is correct and the lyrics are in sinc. Which was a challenge as it meant extreme organisation skills, and if timing was wrong meant the whole music video and filming was wrong. So the storyboard was extremely important.
During filming however, the female character Yoda had to wear a coat. On the day I had a red coat, and we thought that would be a better costume for her to wear as it connotes passion and danger, which links to her cheating as she is off to meet the other guy. However, this worked better and worked effectively. We made sure Yoda was wearing red alot in our music video as it connotes cheating.

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